There are 2 ways of adding personnel into the Resgrid system. First you can add each person by hand, or secondly you can send out email Invites that allow users to create accounts for themselves in your department.
Note only one person needs to go through the initial signup process form the Resgrid site. After that first people signs up he invites other users to join the Department.
Once you've signed into Resgrid go to the Personnel page from the left hand menu, from there you will see two buttons, Add A Person or Manage Invites. To add personnel one at a time, for example if your creating a generic account for your Duty Chiefs, click the Add A Person button. You will need to supply all the users information, email address, name, username, password, etc.
Go to the Personnel page from the left hand menu, from there you will see two buttons, Add A Person or Manage Invites. To send out an invite to multiple personnel at a time, for example all your line personnel, click the Manage Invites button. Here you can supply a comma separated list of email addresses to send invites to. Users will then get an email with a link for them to complete the invite.
can see the status of invites sent and resend/delete invites as well.
Here you can see when invites, or resends, were sent on and if the
target user completed the invite. If they haven't you can resend the
invite or delete it and supply a new email address to send it to.