Custom Status for Actions and Staffing of Personnel and Units

Custom Status for Actions and Staffing of Personnel and Units

Custom status in Resgrid change the Buttons and Actions you will see when setting a Status, Action or Staffing level for Personnel and units. This allows you to use your on verbiage for actions (like Responding to a Call to Enroute) or changing Personnel Staffing Levels to "On Duty" and "Off Duty".

To Create or Manage your Departments Custom statuses you can access them via the "Custom Statuses" option from the Department Menu when you are logged in as a Department Administrator user.

This will give you a page with 3 parts; Unit Statuses, Personnel Statuses (Actions) and Personnel Staffing Levels

You can only have 1 set of Personnel Statuses and Personnel Staffing Levels, and you can have multiple Unit Statuses for multiple Unit Types in your Department. You need to assign Custom Statuses sets to unit types to for those to take effect please see the Assign Custom Statuses Set to a Unit Type article 

Creating a new Custom Status will present you with a page like the below.

The Options list is the Buttons (Statuses) that will be available as options or displayed. You can add a Status by clicking the "Add Option (Button)" button.

Button Text is the name/label of the Button and the text status that will appear. You can se the Button color and text color. Note the button color itself will be color text when it's not in button format. So try and have the Button Color be the distinct color for your status. 

Require GPS
Are GPS coordinates required to be attached to this status? Note this only works on devices that have GPS and it's enabled and allowed to the application. This status when submitted via the website won't include coordinates.
Detail Type
When the option is selected is there an option for it to be attached to a call or a station? For example; For the Responding status you could select what Call you are responding too or what Station. 
Note Type
Should a user supplied note be with the status and is that note required or optional.

Order dictates what order you want the buttons to appear in a list or on a page. Lower number will appear higher. Leave at 0 to use default sorting (the order you added them in). 

Every time you update/edit an existing Custom Statuses set it will create a copy of that entire set. This is because we cannot change the text/info regarding statuses in history that are referenced internally by their ID value. So if you are editing your Personnel Statuses or Personnel Staffing levels and you have Automatic Personnel Status and Staffing Resets enabled on the Department Settings page AND/OR Personnel have Staffing level changes configured on their Profile they will need to update those even if the name/verbiage is the same.

Once you are done on the page you can click the Add button to create the Custom Statuses and if you were editing Personnel Statuses or Personnel Staffing it'll be set as the active. If you added a Custom Unit Status you will need to assign that to a Unit Type as it's Action Set. 

Custom Statuses for Personnel Statuses, Personnel Staffing and Unit's are cached (stored locally) on all of the Resgrid applications. Users of the mobile application; Resgrid Responder, Resgrid Unit, Resgrid BigBoard, Resgrid Dispatch, etc will need to re-log back into the applications to pull down the latest Custom Statuses. It can take a few hours before the cache on the servers has cleared for users to see those on their devices (after a re-log in).

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